
Level 6, 118 King William Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia

Web Development for Kids (Self-Paced)

In today’s digital world, coding is a valuable skill for kids to learn. This course will provide kids with a fun and interactive introduction to web development, including the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Through a combination of fun, interactive activities and real-world examples, kids will gain hands-on experience with web development and learn valuable problem-solving skills. By the end of the course, they’ll have developed their own websites and be equipped with the foundational knowledge and skills to continue exploring the exciting world of web development.

What's included?

7 Chapters

1 Certification

340 Questions

25 Video

32 PDF

Become a Strategist

You will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, set a strategic framework when writing

Personal brand

You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.